Dive into the artistic world of hand lettering—with a swirl! In this tutorial, we'll start with the basics—the upstroke, downstroke, overturn, and underturn—to kick off your hand lettering adventure. With the Flair DUAL pen as your companion, you’ll add a touch of flair to every stroke, making your artistic expression shine!
As a beginner, you'll watch your passion grow and your skills improve as you join us on an exciting journey that combines the best of modern and classic artistry.
Ready to make your lettering designs pop? Let's learn new skills and unlock your creativity, one stroke at a time!
The Art of Hand Lettering
Hand lettering encourages creativity to grow with its beautiful, drawn lettering or adornments that make each letter uniquely you. As you begin your journey, prepare to transform your regular penmanship into a form of self-expression. In this blog, you will learn letter strokes, the foundation of hand lettering fonts, to create the seamless upstrokes, downstrokes, overturns, and underturns that lets your hand lettering shine.
By the end of this tutorial, you will be able to draw:
The uptick of the Upstroke
The downward glide of the Downstroke
The upper curve of the Overturn
The lower curve of the Underturn
What is Hand Lettering?
Hand lettering is the art of drawing decorative handwriting or lettering with a pen or brush. But it's more than just handwriting; It's a form of personal expression that shows the beauty of hand letters through your own eyes. As you skillfully manipulate the angle and pressure of your pen to create delicate or bold strokes to prepare to find your visual rhythm.
How to Create an Upstroke
For hand lettering beginners, the Upstroke is the perfect entry point. Begin by practicing your handwriting with smooth upward strokes. Upstrokes are the foundation of future hand lettering designs:
Follow these steps:
Move your fingers closer to the felt tip for more control
Make an upward movement to create an upward stroke
Glide your lettering pen up and over, applying minimal pressure
How to Create a Downstroke
Start with a simple, controlled downstroke to gradually gain confidence. Then experiment with pressure, angles, and pace to create variations in line thickness:
Follow these steps:
Move your fingers closer to the lettering pen tip for more control
Make a downward movement to create a downward stroke
Apply more pressure to the felt tip for thicker brush strokes, and less for thinner stroke
How to Create an Overturn
Combine an Upstroke with a Downstroke to create the top curve of the Overturn. Mastering the Overturn is key to creating the compound curves signature to drawn lettering.
Follow these steps:
Lightly glide the lettering pen upwards
Apply more pressure to the lettering pen tip as you move your pen downwards
How to Create an Underturn
The opposite of an Overturn, start with a Downstroke, then finish with Upstroke to create an Underturn. Next, practice ascending and descending loops to prepare to form the lettering alphabet.
Follow these steps:
Apply more pressure to the pen tip and draw a Downstroke, then lighten the press and an Upstroke
Try different combinations of Upstrokes and Downstrokes to find the techniques you favor
Now that you've mastered hand lettering strokes, you can create:
Compound curves
Ascending loops
Descending loops
The Journey of Hand Lettering for Beginners:
Hand lettering might seem difficult at first, but we've created the Flair DUAL brush pen to guide you. Its dual-tip versatility allows you to transition seamlessly between basic hand lettering strokes. As you advance, customizing letters becomes easier than ever.
Want to learn how to combine strokes to form hand letters? Learn more about drawn lettering here: Hand Lettering
No te olvides de los momentos divertidos
A menudo nos enfocamos tanto en la escuela o en el trabajo que nos olvidamos de añadir a nuestros calendarios vacaciones, cumpleaños, viajes por carretera y cosas parecidas. Estos son los eventos que hacen que la escuela o el trabajo valga la pena. Usa los colores brillantes y animados de los bolígrafos de gel Paper Mate InkJoy para codificar con colores esas ocasiones especiales.
Las cuadrículas son aburridas
Añade un poco de diversión al calendario cuadriculado. Haz garabatos y agrega un toque especial a las líneas. Añade nubes. Añade árboles. Añade formas abstractas y ordinarias. Al principio puede que sientas que estás rompiendo las reglas, pero te alegrará haberlo hecho.
Las cartas son importantes
Considera el tiempo que inviertes organizando tu calendario. Es algo que revisas varias veces al día, te recuerda a tus seres queridos y mantiene organizadas tus tareas. Dale el esfuerzo que se merece y añade algunos toques escritos a mano divertidos.
Encuentra las herramientas de escritura
La precisión de un buen garabato comienza con los bolígrafos correctos. Elige el bolígrafo que sea perfecto para ti. Las personas más tradicionales pueden elegir una versión de bolígrafo como los bolígrafos Paper Mate Kilometrico 100ST, mientras que los artistas podrían desear algo como los bolígrafos Flair Tip.
No le tengas miedo a tu calendario. Úsalo para tu beneficio, saca a relucir tu lado creativo, mejora tus habilidades artísticas y cuenta los días que faltan para tu próximo gran viaje por la carretera.